Você vai ficar maluco depios de ouvir o mini-podcast de hoje! 🙂 Porque vamos aprender a dizer “ficar maluco” e várias outras coisas que “ficamos, viramos e nos tornamos” com o verbo “go” em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


– Mom, where are we going? Mom? Where are we going, Mom? Mom! Where are we going?
– We’re going crazy!

go crazy – went crazy
He went crazy when he heard the news.

go bald
He is going bald.

go bad/sour
It went sour.

go viral
This video went viral.

go grey
His hair is going grey.

go deaf
I’m going deaf.

go crazy/mad

go wild

go senile

go wrong
Something went wrong.
If something goes wrong, call me.

go blind/deaf

go Democrat/Republican

get angry/excited//bored/angry/tired
It’s getting cold.

I’m going crazy with all this vocabulary!

I hope this tip goes viral! 🙂



Now it’s your turn! Write about yourself with the verb “go” (= become) in the comments section below.



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