Não tem jeito de escapar da correria do fim de ano! (Pelo menos foi isso que um aluno me disse.) Vamos conversar sobre como dizer “Não tem jeito” em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI
There’s no way to avoid the hustle and bustle from the holiday season.
You’re impossible!
You´re hopeless!
There is a cell phone on my desk.
There is no way to avoid…
to avoid, to do, etc.
There is no way to save money during the end of the year.
There is no way not to come.
There is no way…
There is = There’s
There’s no way to _________.
There’s no way not to participate there!
Para DOMINAR Inglês Natalino CLIQUE AQUI.
Complete the following sentence in the comments section below.
There’s no way (not) to _______________________ .
There’s no way to avoid the traffic in the center of the city.
Yes, too many cars!
There is no way not to study english nowadays!
It is essential!
There’s no way not to learn English with these excellent podcasts from Tim Barrett.
That’s the attitude! 😀
There’s no way to stay out of great podcasts written by Tim and family…
Thanks, Denilson! There’s no way not to like your comment! 😀
There’s almost no way to live without computers and internet at current days
We do depend on them a lot nowadays!
There’s no way not to listen every single day Tim’s podcast.
That’s the idea! 😀
there’s no way to participate on Domine Ingles with Tim Barret and there’s no way not to learn with him, he’s an excellent teacher.
Thanks, Ariol! There’s no way not to like a student like this! 😀
Hello everybody!
There is no way not to spend my money the end of the year.
I know what you mean!
There is no way to get alongif you miss out on show up.
There is no way to improve your carrer without hard working!
There is no way not to learn English with Tom. So, I will never say uncle! Thank you.
There´s no way not to like these classes.
There´s no way not like these tips.
There’s no way to correctly write in English if you don’t work out everyday.
Fale sobre essa palavra “ulterior”
There is no way to don’t eat a lot in the holiday season.
There´s no way not to get fat during the end of the year.
There’s no way to go alone in this trip.
There is no way to buy gifts to all my family at Christmas .
There’s no way to avoid cake in the party.
There is no way to stop to think about my american love!!!!
There’s no way to fast in the morning
There’s no way to buy in virtual shoopings
There’s no way to eat every day !
There’s no way to save my Portuguesa de Desportos.
😀 b