We have been posting news in English on our Facebook page about the Brazilian athletes in the London Olympics.  See if you can remember all the interesting vocabulary and expressions we taught you this past week.

Temos postado notícias em inglês na nossa página de Facebook sobre os atletas brasileiros nas olimpíadas de Londres.  Noticias do Brasil em inglês. Veja se você consegue se lembrar de todo o vocabulário e expressões interessantes que lhe ensinamos nessa última semana.

E não esqueça de nos seguir!

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Twitter: @timandtammy

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1. Brazil’s Sarah Menezes b_____ [derrotou] defending champion Alina Dumitru of Romania to claim Judo gold in the women’s Extra Lightweight category.

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  • claim = “conquistar” (neste contexto)]

2. Felipe Kitadai will be given a ________ medal [medalha de reposição] by the IOC (International Olympic Committee). Felipe Kitadai had accidentally dropped his bronze medal in the shower while trying to ______ it from _______ wet. [evitar que se molhasse] The part holding the medal’s string broke and there was also a small dent on it.

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  • will be given = receberá
  • drop = derrubar
  • while trying = enquanto tentava
  • the part holding the medal’s string = a parte que segurava a corda da medalha
  • break/broke/broken = quebrar
  • there was a small dent on it = ficou um pouco amassado]

3. Ladies and Gentlemen, Please g____ it up for Felipe Kitadai! [uma salva de palmas para]

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4. Rafaela Silva is d________ [arrasada]  after losing the elimination match today due to a “penalty”. Her coach tries to console her.

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  • due to = devido a
  • console = consolar]

5. US Women Volleyballers T_____ O____ [enfrentam] Brazil in Olympics.

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Sad News: US Women’s Volleyball Team D_______ [derrota] Brazil in Dramatic Olympics Rematch [“revanche”] from 2008.

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5. Cesar Cielo made his London 2012 Olympics d______ [fez a sua estréia] today and qualified for the semi-finals which will be held later this afternoon. On Sunday, Cielo was r______ [foi poupado] in the 4×100 freestyle relay heats and the Brazilian team failed to qualify for the final.

  • which will be held = que serão realizadas
  • heats = eliminatórias do
  • 4×100 freestyle relay = revezamento 4x100m nado livre
  • they failed to qualify = não conseguiram qualificar-se

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7. ____  _____ [até agora], Brazil is 12th in the London Olympics medal ______. [quadro de medalhas] What position do you think they will finish in? How many medals will Brazil win?

  • win = ganhar

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8. Brazil’s men’s basketball team just _______ [derrotou] GB 67 to 62 in a hard-fought match.

  • hard-fought match = jogo disputado

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9. Michael Phelps has just broken the Olympic medals record with his 19th medal!

  • just = acabou de
  • break a record = quebrar/bater um recorde

Michael Phelps ______ Olympic record  [estabelece recorde olímpico] with 19th lifetime medal, winning gold in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay.

  • freestyle relay = revasamento livre

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10. Tiago Camilo advances to the semi-finals and is _____ victory ______ from being [está a uma vítória de ser] the Brazilian with most judo Olympic medals.

  • advances to the semi-finals = vai à semi-final
  • most judo medals = mais medalhas de judô

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11. Cesar Cielo and Bruno Fratus both ______ it to the final [conseguem chegar à final] of the 50-meter freestyle.

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12. Cesar Cielo _______ in third [chegou em terceiro] in the 50- freestyle and won the bronze medal and Bruno Fratus was in fourth.

  • won the bronze medal = ganhou a medalha de bronze
  • was in fourth = ficou em quarto

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13. Eight Olympic Badminton players have been disqualified from the Olympic Games for t________ their matches. [entregar o(s) jogo(s)]  Do you agree that the badminton players should have been disqualified?

  • should have been disqualified = deveriam ter sido desclassificadas

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14. Arthur Zanetti of Brazil t____ d____ [derrotou/derrubou] the defending Olympic champion Chen Yibing and won the gold medal on the still rings today!

  • defending Olympic champion
  • still rings = argolas

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15. It was Brazil’s first medal in artistic gymnastics, and a gold at _____. [ainda por cima] Not a bad way to k____ o___ [iniciar] the party for the Rio de Janeiro Games.

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16. Will Brazil and Spain t _ _ _ to avoid team USA? [entregar/perder deliberadamente um jogo]

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17. Brazil r____ [reage] to beat Spain in the men’s  basketball match.

  • beat = derrotar

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18. Nene s___  o____ the basketball match today [ficou de fora do jogo de hoje] due to a sore foot. Brazil decided to r_____ him  [poupá-lo] for the upcoming round.

  • due to = devido a
  • a sore foot = dores no pé
  • upcoming round = próxima rodada

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19. The Brazilian team s______ [atropela] Russia in volleyball and advances to quarterfinals.

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20. The Brazilian woman’s handball team had a six point l_____ [tinham seis pontos de vantagem] over Norway in the first half of the game, but the Norwegians t_____ the game a_______ [viraram o jogo] in the second half.

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21. Brazil’s women’s volleyball team saves six match points, f_____ b_____ , and wins [reage e vira o jogo] 3 sets to 2, advancing to the women’s volleyball semifinals at the London Games.

  • saves six match points = salva 6 match points
  • wins = ganha
  • advancing to semifinals = avançando para semifinais

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22. Brazil’s coach, Zé Roberto, does a b____  s_____  [dá peixinho] in celebration of Brazil’s victory over Russia today.

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23. Brazil beats South Korea and reaches men’s Olympic soccer final. [chega à final]

  • beats = derrota, vence a

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24. Brazil o_______ [domina] Argentina in straight sets and goes on to face Italy in the semifinals.

  • straight sets = 3 sets a 0 (literalmente, “sets diretos”)
  • goes on = prossegue, continua
  • face = enfrentar

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25. The only d________ [ponto/aspecto negativo] to Brazil’s latest volleyball victory against Argentina is that Leandro Vissotto had to leave the game due to a leg injury and might be out of the next game.

  • latest = mais recente
  • against = contra
  • leave the game = deixar o jogo
  • due to = devido a
  • leg injury = lesão na perna
  • he might be out of the next game = ele pode estar fora do próximo jogo

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26. Stephan Fleck from Germany takes the p______ [leva o prêmio] as the worst dive of the London Olympics. It may be a while before he lives down this painful experience.

  • worst dive = pior mergulho
  • it may be a while before he lives down this painful experience = pode demorar para equecerem essa experiência dolorosa

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27. Brazil’s marathon swimmer Poliana Okimoto was pulled from the water after suffering from hypothermia, according to a team spokeswoman. “She f_______ [desmaiou] when she was t_____ o___ [tirada] of the water and she is receiving medical treatment,” press attaché Eliana Alves said. “She has had previous bouts of hypothermia but never one as serious as this.”

  • was pulled from the water = foi tirada da água
  • suffer = sofrer
  • according to = de acordo com
  • spokeswoman = porta-voz
  • press attaché = adido de imprensa
  • bouts of hypothermia = casos de hipotermia
  • never one as serious as this = nunca um tão sério assim

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28. Brazil beat Japan in s______ sets [por 3 sets a 0] to set up a rematch with the United States for the Olympic gold medal in women’s volleyball.

  • beat = derrotou
  • set up a rematch = preparar um revanche
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29. In a very t_____ match [ jogo disputado], Germany defeated Brazil and took the gold medal in the Men’s Beach Volleyball Final.
  • balanced match = jogo equilibrado
  • defeated = derrotou
  • took the gold medal = levou a medalha de ouro

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