Restuarantes começaram a abrir novamente aqui na semana passadai! E onde você mora? Você foi para um restaurante na semana passada? Vamos aprender a fazer perguntas no passado em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.


Did you go to a restaurant yesterday?

Did you go to a restaurant last week?

go – went

I went to a restaurant yesterday.
I go to a restaurant every day.
Did you go to a restaurant?
I went to a restaurant.

Did you go to a restaurant yesterday/last week/this morning?

DOMINE o Present Perfect

Did she go to a restaurant?

Did you go surfing last year?
go swimming
go fishing

Did you like your vacation?

When you were in the United States, did you go to Texas?

Did you participate the last time?


Ask me a question about the past in the comments section below.

Did you _________________________ this morning/yesterday/last week/last year, etc.?


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