Depois de encerrar o meu trabalho hoje, eu vou para casa embrulhar alguns presentes. Isso é verdade. E você sabia que se pode usar o mesmo phrasaal verb para se dizer “encerrar” (uma atividade) quanto para “embrulhar” (um presente) em inglês? Vamos conversar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


After I wrap up my work, I’m gonna go home, and wrap (up) some presents.

Did you miss me?

I was under the weather for a few days.

I am back to my old self.

I’m just gonna wrap up a few things, and then I’m going to head/go home.


wrap a present

wrap up a present

wrap up a project

I’m just gonna wrap up a few things, and then I’m heading home.

I wrapped up my classes.

  • Hey, it’s me. Got a minute?
  • Might I call you back in, say, 20 minutes? Or you know what? Make it 30.
  • Why? Where are you?
  • Dembe and I are just wrapping up an absolutely delicious and long overdue lunch date with Brimley.

We ought to wrap up this meeting and get back to work.

Let’s wrap it up.

I need to wrap up the project before I leave on vacation.

I’m going to wrap up this episode.

After I wrap up my work, I’m going home and ____________________________.

What are you going to do after you wrap up your work today?


What are you going to do after you wrap up your work today? Answer in the comments section below. 

After I wrap up my work, I’m going to go home and ________________________ .


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