Como você já deve saber, o meu comentarista político favorito no rádio é o Rush Limbaugh. Um ouvinte ligou para o programa dele e pediu que o Rush fizesse uma série de vídeos para jovens explicando conservadorismo norte-americano. O ouvinte disse que se alguém conseguisse fazer uma coisa dessas, e obter sucesso, seria o Rush Limbaugh. Esse ouvinte falou assim: You’re a good-looking guy, so I think that you could really ________ it ________ . I don’t think anybody else could, but I think you could. [Você é um cara bonito, então eu acho que você realmente poderia conseguir fazer isso e obter sucesso. Eu não acho que qualquer outra pessoa conseguiria fazer isso, mas acho que você conseguiria.] Que phrasal verb ele usou nessa frase para dizer isso? Ouça esta parte do programa e confira a sua resposta. [Dica: Eu ensinei esse phrasal verb aqui várias vezes, inclusive na semana passada. ;)]


[note class=”idea”]DICA: Clique no primeiro botão “Imprima com PrintFriendly” no final deste texto onde diz “Share the Knowledge” para gerar uma formatação mais simples para impressão.

Callers Make Suggestion To Rush Limbaugh (Fill-in-the-blanks)

CALLER: Rush, I think it would be a pretty cool idea if you _________  to make a video and put it on your website where you would _________   the youth of this country so that you can inform them about what a sovereign nation is all _________  , what America is all _________  , the exceptionalism. And try to _________  them to _______________  what conservatives are all about, and the Tea Party, so that they don’t go out and throw their first vote away on the destruction of their own country. I was wondering if you’d ever consider something like that, making a video and having it available on to _________  _____ with your two books.

RUSH: I’m encouraged to do things like that _______ and then, specifically a video series on my website has not been suggested. You’re the first to do that. But many have suggested that I, you know, buy some national TV time and do it or create, back in the old days a set of DVDs. Others have said, “Why don’t you buy a 60-second commercial? Do a really good 60-second video, put it on some TV stations or networks around the country.” A lot of people have come to me with ideas and I ________________  it. I do. I mean, I’m sure that would have a lot of _______________  . You know, video is, particularly Internet video, is the medium of choice for young people today.

CALLER: It would give a lot of people like myself a place to tell young people to go. You know, I could walk up to a few kids and just tell ’em, “Hey, go to, because he addresses you in a really cool video.” I mean, you’re like the _______________ , okay, you’re like the _______________  of talk radio. And you’re a good-looking guy, so I think that you could really ________  it _______  . I don’t think anybody else could, but I think you could.

Callers Make Suggestion To Rush Limbaugh (Script and Translations/Explanations)

CALLER: Rush, I think it would be a pretty cool idea if you were to make a video and put it on your website where you would address the youth of this country so that you can inform them about what a sovereign nation is all about, what America is all about, the exceptionalism. And try to get them to understand what conservatives are all about, and the Tea Party, so that they don’t go out and throw their first vote away on the destruction of their own country. I was wondering if you’d ever consider something like that, making a video and having it available on to follow up with your two books.

  • it would make a pretty good idea = seria uma ideia bacana
  • if you were to make a video = se você fizesse um vídeo (literalmente, se você fosse fazer um vídeo)
  • put it on your website = colocá-lo no seu site
  • where you would address the youth of this country = onde você se dirigisse à juventide deste país
  • so that you can inform them about… = para que você pudesse informá-los sobre…
  • sovereign nation = nação soberana
  • what a sovereign nation is all about = reveja essa expressão aqui:
  • so that they don’t go out = para que eles não saiam
  • and throw their vote away on the destruction of their own country = e joguem os seus votos fora para a destruição do seu país
  • I was wondering if you’d ever consider something like = eu queria saber se você consideraria alguma coisa assim
  • have it available on = e disponibizá-lo no
  • to follow up with your two books = para acompanhar/seguir os seus dois livros

RUSH: I’m encouraged to do things like that now and then, specifically a video series on my website has not been suggested. You’re the first to do that. But many have suggested that I, you know, buy some national TV time and do it or create, back in the old days a set of DVDs. Others have said, “Why don’t you buy a 60-second commercial? Do a really good 60-second video, put it on some TV stations or networks around the country.” A lot of people have come to me with ideas and I appreciate it. I do. I mean, I’m sure that would have a lot of potential. You know, video is, particularly Internet video, is the medium of choice for young people today.

  • I’m encouraged to do things like that = sou encorajado a fazer coisas assim
  • now and then = àsvezes; de vez em quando
  • many have suggested that I buy some national TV time = muitos tem sugerido que eu compre espaço em TV nacional
  • or create a set of DVDs = ou crie uma série de DVDs
  • back in the old days = nos velhos tempos
  • a lot of people have come to me with ideas = muitos têm chegado até mim com ideias
  • and I appreciate it = e sou grato por isso
  • video is the medium of choice for young people today = vídeo é a mídia preferida dos jovens hoje em dia

CALLER: It would give a lot of people like myself a place to tell young people to go. You know, I could walk up to a few kids and just tell ’em, “Hey, go to, because he addresses you in a really cool video.” I mean, you’re like the godfather, okay, you’re like the godfather of talk radio. And you’re a good-looking guy, so I think that you could really pull it off. I don’t think anybody else could, but I think you could.


How about you? What do you think you could pull off, that nobody else could?  Please tell us about it below!

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