Antes de entrar em uma briga, é bom analisar o oponente e ver se dá para enfrentar? 🙂 E é por isso que você precisa aprender o phrasal verb com a Letra S de hoje: size up!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
I sized him up and decided he wasn’t a threat.
size up
The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.
It’s a good idea for boxers to size up their opponents before their matches.
She knew that he was looking at her, sizing her up.
Before we can begin to size up the problem, we’ll need more information.
He sized up the situation and immediately decided what to do.
Businessmen have been sizing up Brazil as a possible market for their investments.
Domine o Present Perfect AQUI.
I sized up my new neighbor and decided that he was…
I sized my new neighbor up…
I sized John up and decided that he was a good worker.
I sized you up and decided that you are good student, and that your are going to participate on our site.
I sized ____________________ up and decided he/she was _____________________ .
Let’s practice today’s phrasal verb in the comments section below.
I sized ____(person)_____ up and decided he/she was __________________________ .
watching the crash about these cars, I sized up the scenario and decided the driver’s red car wasn’t fault.
Good job! 🙂 b
I’m in a new partnership, after I size my colegues up I decided go on!
I have been sizing up if I could study alone for the cambridge test .
Thanks, Debora. Just remember that you usually “size up” SOMETHING. So you might say: “I’ve been sizing up the situation to see if…”
I sized my boss up and decided he was threat. Kkkk
Oops! 😀
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Obrigado por todo esse FANTASTICO material
My friend sized English up and decided to study immediately.
Obrigado, Rodrigo.
I sized my house up and I decided that I need to do a good cleaning.
Time for Fall cleaning!
I sized Tim up and decided he is a great teacher!
Thanks, Zenon! 😀
I sized up this word (analize) and I think it should be written with the letter s (analise) in Portuguese
You’re right, Jonathas. We already fixed it there. Thank you! 🙂 Now about the phrasal verb “size up”, you use it mostly when you look at someone (or a situation) to decide what you think about him/her, if you can face them, etc. But you were quite creative with helping me with the mistake up there. 🙂 Thanks again.
I’ve sized up the trouble and decided I can’t solve it myself. Could you help me?
I’ll do what I can! `:-)
I sized my neighbor’s dog up and decided he was tame .
Let him sniff your hand first.
Good idea if he’s not threatening!
I sized my coworker up and decided she was bad
Uh-oh! Stay away from her!
I sized up the player and decided he was very good.
Hi Tim
I sized my neighbor up and decided he was a good person to share these ideas.
Thanks for the opportunity Tim!
Good job, Eric! 😉
Hello Tim!
I’m sizing the neighborhood up, to decide if I move to live there or not.
Good idea!
I sized up my study and I fell need modify him.
🙂 b
The man sized the company up and decide he was ready for the interview.
🙂 b
I sized my neighbor up and I decided talk to her.
So she seemed nice?
I sized you up and decided that you are the best English Teacher in Brasil 🙂
Yay! Thank you! 😀
I sized up the situation and decided that the best thing I could do was to leave the place immediately.
Good decision! 🙂
I sized up my friend and dicided he was a goog people