Conheça a Mel, a gata que deve amar aprender inglês e vive na nossa escola de inglês 🙂 , e descubra por que a minha irmã, Rachel, morre de medo de gatos. E vamos aprender a dizer “morrer de medo” em inglês no episódio de hoje.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


My sister is scared to death of cats.

the baby in the family

She’s scared to death of cats.

My wife is scared to death of lizards/geckos.

My other sisters are scared to death of cockroaches.

Our students pet the cat.

He’s allergic to cats.

My sister and a few other students are scared to death of cats.

I am afraid

I am scared

I’m afraid to walk alone in the street at night.


I am scared to death.

I am scared to death of…

She is scared to death of cats.

She was scared to death.

She was scared to death of cats, but she isn’t anymore.

I am bored to death.

If you are scared to death of cats…

She is scared to death of driving.

I hope you’re not scared to death of participating on our site.


Let’s practice today’s expression in the comments section below.

______________ am/is/are scared to death of _____________________ .


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