Na última dica, ensinamos a expressão “how are you holding up” para perguntar como alguém está se sentindo durante um tempo difícil. Uma aluna me respondeu que estava desanimada e sentindo que as coisas nunca voltariam ao normal. Eu respondi: Aguente firme aí! As coisas vão melhorar sim! Mas escrevi isso em inglês. E hoje vou lhe ensinar a dizer “aguente firme aí” em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


I know you’re having a hard time with this crisis, but just hang in there, OK?

hang in there

Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it’ll be OK.
I know you’re worried, but hang in there — the doctor will call soon.
Hang in there, Bob. Things will work out.
– Sometimes I just don’t think I can go on.
– Hang in there! Things will work out.
I know you can’t seem to get things done, but hang in there! Things will work out.
Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.
I’m hanging in there.
We’re almost ready, so just hang in there.

Mais exemplos:

I know you are having a difficult time learning English, but just hang in there.

If you just hang in there you will get through this.


Encourage is with the expression “Hang in there!” in the comments section below.

I know you can’t _________ right now.  But hang in there!
I know you are having a difficult time with _____________ . But hang in there!
I know you are having a difficult time _(verb)_ing, but just hang in there! 


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