Today we will teach some vocabulary and expressions from the audio I sent yesterday of our family talking about Christmas memories.

Hoje vamos ensinar um pouco de vocabulário e expressões do áudio que enviei ontem da nossa família falando sobre lembranças do Natal.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


How about you, Dad, when you were, like, growing up?

opened the gifts

go out and play in the snow

going down to Siegel’s Hill

going down the sled


come home

have a delicious Christmas dinner together

favorite memories

going Christmas shopping

Watsontown and Milton



a reindeer there in a cage

What’s so funny about that, Lis?

caught me off guard

at least Santa wasn’t in the cage

I loved going Christmas shopping and then going to the Village Tea Room.

go there for lunch

delicious rolls

cinnamon rolls


another kind of roll that we just loved

Where was that?

it was freezing cold

we would go with snow on the ground

and in our boots and stuff

shopping downtown

My Christmas memories aren’t the same thing as yours.

when you kids were growing up here

we would go down to the papelaria and look for cards and decorations for the tree

We were downtown at Festão

buying decorations for our Christmas tree

our first Christmas tree

it was pouring rain

we bought our little figurines for our manger scene

That was so exciting!

It was!

Didn’t Grandma make our manger scene?

our first manger scene

always the same

decorate the home

make our own decorations and have those ribbons stretched all over

Your memories are the… are those songs. It’s exactly that!

if I smell certain types of wax, you know, like you wax the floor, it reminds me of Christmas

If I smell tangerines, it reminds me of Christmas

My parents always got tangerines at Christmas time.

put it in our stocking

get stencils of stars and angels

take this wax that we put on the floor and you put it on it

take it off and it would dry

You’d have all these decorations on your window, and of course afterwards you can just wash them off and…

try to make it look like snow on the edge

angels that kept on going around

I had an angel of those, too, with candles.

We found them here one time.

light the candles and this thing keeps on going around

I think I remember that.

red wreathes

and they had a candle in it

it had a red light there

and every Christmas, we’d put them in our windows in the front of the house

You two had similar, like, traditions.

my mother always baked tons of pies and tons of cookies

during this time

I mean, cookies and pies like you wouldn’t believe.

Christmas caroling in the snow in the bus

you’re talking about church memories

go around on a bus

take baskets around to some shut-ins of our church and sing carols

I always had to be a shepherd.

How come you were the pastor’s daughter and had to be the shepherd?

there weren’t enough fellows

shepherds for the play

You’d better be a shepherd than a tree; right?

How about you, kids, do you remember Christmas in the States?

warm weather

so when it gets hot, we feel more Christmassy than in the cold

I have two feelings of Christmas. One of them is hot and the other is cold.


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