Eu não estou em pé de guerra hoje, mas os democratas (partido político nos E.U.A) estão (como sempre ). Por isso vou lhe ensinar a dizer “em pé de guerra” em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
The Democrats are up in arms about what the attorney-general said.
up in arms
They are up in arms about/over…
Residents are up in arms about the closure of the local library.
Os moradores estão em pé de guerra sobre o encerramento da biblioteca local.
The whole town is up in arms about the addition of a new shopping center.
A cidade inteira está em pé de guerra sobre a adição de um novo centro comercial.
Mom was really up in arms after I dented her brand-new car.
Mamãe estava realmente em pé de guerra depois que eu amasseu seu carro novo.
They are up in arms, ready to fight.
Eles estão em pé de guerra, prontos para brigar/lutar.
They’re up in arms about/over the new management structure.
Eles estão em pé de guerra com a nova estrutura de gerenciamento.
Environmental groups are up in arms about plans for fracking in the area.
Grupos ambientalistas estão em pé de guerra sobre os planos para fraturamento hidráulico na área.
Check it out HERE.
What are you (or someone) up in arms about/over? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
The environmentalists are up in arms about
Environment Minister decisions.
Environmentalists are often up in arms. 😀
The dictators of the STF in Brazil are up in arms with the youtubers and they want to arrest everyone who speaks the truth about them.
Lots of political stuff going on today! 😀
Tv globo is up in arms about sincerity of president of Brazil.
Globo is always up in arms about something. 🙂
My dog is always up in arms about other dogs.
He’s a real fighter. 🙂
The human race is up in arms with the planet.
Gotta take care of our environment.
The democratic conscience is up in arms about tha devastation of the constitutional state by the unable governing party
You sound like a politician. 😀
I’m up arm in learn English, but I Go to practice.
Embrace it! 😀
The people are Recife up in arms about lack of job.
Oh, no! I hope things improve there soon!
Petrbras shareholders are up in arms about Bolsonaro government’s decision on the price of diesel.
I heard there might be a strike next week. I hope not!
My wife is up in arms about me because I don’t have money.
Uh-oh! Gotta look for a better job – or spend less. 🙂
The schools are really up in arm against the bulling.
Yes, that’s a real problem in schools.
Everybody is politician, even those who say don’t care.
You’re right. Neutrality is a position, too.
The EUA are up in arms with China in the commercial war.
Yes, there is what we call a “trade war” going on.
My mom is always up in arms about the grass that needs to be cut.
Students are up in arms about Government cuts
They are.