Muitos dizem que tem dificuldade em entender o inglês como é falado naturalmente no dia a dia. Vamos conversar um pouco sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje. E também vamos aprender a dizer “Eu tenho dificuldade em…” em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
People really have trouble listening to radio and to news channels
people have a hard time
people have trouble
people have difficulty
People have a hard time understanding…
People have difficulty understanding…
People have a hard time understanding English as it is really spoken.
People have a hard time understanding everyday English.
What do you have trouble/a hard time/difficulty doing?
I have trouble _______________.
I have trouble writing in English.
I have a hard time understanding you.
I have trouble speaking in English.
I have trouble talking to native speakers of English.
I have a hard time doing my homework.
What do you have trouble doing?
I have a hard time commenting on the site.
What do you have trouble doing? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
I have a hard time/ difficulty / trouble ____________________________________ .
I have a hard time working with excel method.
Do you mean the spreadsheet?
I have a trouble keeping my data recorded on this site, with each new lesson I have to fill in my personal data again, could you help me, Tim?
There are two options, I think. Enable autofill in your browser.
By the way, you can create an avatar or add your picture to always appear with your comments here:
Or you can create a free account, and always stay signed into it. You can even have your picture there.
Tim, thanks for the tips!
My daughter has a hard time keeping her bedroom organized.
That’s not easy for any child! 😀
I have a hard time studying English grammar.
But you’re doing a great job!
I have trouble listening to English.
I’ll try to help you with that!
I have trouble speaking another language.
It’s hard work learning to speak a new language!
Te acompanho a tantos anos e sou um grande admirador do seu trabalho e especialmente hoje voce foi muito feliz nessa percepção do que é um grande problema que afeta os alunos intermediários e avançados. Verdadeiramente essa barreira de conseguir entender o ingles do dia a dia, falado nas ruas ou nos filmes é um problema enorme e pra mim tem sido uma tarefa dificil superar. Eu acabei de chegar dos EUA fiquei de férias por 2 semanas foi frustrante ouvir uma conversa entre nativos e não conseguir entender 30%. Eu conseguia dizer o que eu queria mas quando um nativo falava comigo ou tentava manter um diálogo eu simplesmente nao entendia o que ele dizia e isso para mim foi frustrante e voltei com a certeza de que preciso fazer algo a esse respeito, porque se eu não consigo manter um diálogo com um nativo em seu ambiente e em seu ritmo de fala, jamais posso me considerar avançado ou fluente em ingles.
E logo hoje, 3 dias depois da minha chegada, tive a grata surpresa voce solta esse podcast, estou muito ansioso para saber de voce sobre esse novo programa, certamente vai nos ajudar demais a alcançar o proximo nível em ingles.
Obrigado pela sensibilidade de perceber esse ponto.
Obrigado pelas palavras, Julio! Espero poder ajudar alunos justamente como você!
I have a hard time knowing my destiny. I’ve trouble understanding your life too. I have dificulting buying things for gift. I really have a hard understanding American Natives speaking English
Those things are not easy! I’m not a great gift buyer, either.
Esperando ansioso o inicio do canal do youtube!!!
Esse virá mais para o meio do ano!
Esperando ansioso o inicio do canal do youtube!!! (2)
Working on it for the middle of the year.
I know how difficult it is to reach a good level in English, specially when we’re not surrounded by the language we are learning. Traditional courses are focused on grammar stuff that’s why students struggle to understand the real spoken English. As a self student, I can say that it’s a cinch to find english contents on the internet, However, some people have a hard time trying to find someone else to speak with, wich is my case. Anyway I keep doing my best Anyways I keep doing my best little and often, slowly but surely.Thanks for everything you’ve been doing.
Just out of curiosity, check the link below. It’s about The world’s largest ranking of countries and regions by English skills.
Hello, Douglas. Thank you for your words. You seem to be a great student! It’s good to have you with us. The link didn’t work for me, though. Thanks anyway.
Talking about English, I have trouble listening English, it’s not easy understand radio, tv show and other, but I know, one day I’ll be fluent it.
You will! And I hope I can help you with that, too!
I have hard time working with people who are lasy and think that success come from the sky
I don’t care to work with people like that, either.
I have trouble dealing with people sometimes, i feel anxious in some situations.
It’s NEVER easy to deal with people! ‘:-)
Esperando ansioso o inicio do canal do youtube!!! (3)
Esse virá logo também! (Mais para o meio do ano)
I have a hard time saving money to travel abroad.
It’s never easy to save money!
I have trouble speaking English sometimes because I wanna speak like a native!
You’re improving a little every day!
Speak like a native, I think it’s unlikely, they too fast
I have difficulty remembering the use of modal verbs do and did, but I know how much they is important.
DO you really? 😀
What about using ” I’m struggling ” ? Isn’t it another way to say it?
Btw, I love the podcast and I’ve been learning a lot from it! Thank you so much for your work!
You can say it that way, too, Bruna; but it would sound more formal.
I have trouble listening in English.
That’s normal. Concentrate on learning HOW natives reduce and contract the sentences!
I have trouble speaking and listening in English.
Just keep studying and practicing!
Hey Tim!
I have trouble listening native in english. 🙁
I have a hard time getting through this crises , but I can handle with it because I trust inLord throughout my life.
I have trouble listening movies in English without movie subtittle.
I have a hard time focusing with my cell phone around