Muitos dizem que tem dificuldade em entender o inglês como é falado naturalmente no dia a dia. Vamos conversar um pouco sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje. E também vamos aprender a dizer “Eu tenho dificuldade em…” em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


People really have trouble listening to radio and to news channels

people have a hard time
people have trouble
people have difficulty

People have a hard time understanding…
People have difficulty understanding…
People have a hard time understanding English as it is really  spoken.
People have a hard time understanding everyday English.

What do you have trouble/a hard time/difficulty doing?

I have trouble _______________.

I have trouble writing in English.
I have a hard time understanding you.
I have trouble speaking in English.
I have trouble talking to native speakers of English.
I have a hard time doing my homework.

What do you have trouble doing?

I have a hard time commenting on the site.


What do you have trouble doing? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

I have a hard time/ difficulty / trouble ____________________________________ .


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