Você sabia que o camameiro do General Presidente Dwight D. Eisenhower o observava se vestir todos os dias? Não? Li sobre isso neste artigo. Mas obviamente não estou usando o verbo certo em português. Não é “observar”, é “ajudar”/”auxiliar”, e trata-se de um falso cognato em inglês.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


Eisenhower’s valet assisted him in getting dressed each morning.

I’m getting dressed.


Can I help you?
We have a special software to help you process invoices.

watch television

I am going to attend your class.

I will assist you with the groceries.
I assisted him with his chores.
I assisted him with his speech.
I assisted him in preparing his speech.
I assisted him in doing his chores.
I assisted him to do his chores.

How do you assist your boss?

I assist my boss with the review of the graphs.
I assist my boss in reviewing the charts.
I assist my boss with the chart reviews.

I am not going to assist you.

I assist my boss with/in ________________ .



Let’s practice today’s false friend in the comments section below! How do you assist your boss?

I assist my boss in/with _____________________________ .


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