O meu amigo me convidou para sair e tomar um açaí… quando eu estiver disposto / com vontade / a fim /com cabeça para isso. Vamos aprender a dizer isso no mini-podcast de hoje!


When you are feeling up to it, let’s have an Açaí together, ok?

I feel up to having an Açaí.

I don’t feel up to going out tonight.

I don’t feel up to eating anything.

I need to mow the lawn, but I don’t feel up to it.

When you are feeling up to it, let’s have an Açaí together.

When you are feeling up to it, let’s have coffee together.

When you are feeling up to it, let’s go to the park.

When you are feeling up to it, leave a comment on our site.

When you are feeling up tp it, let’s _____________ .



Let’s practice in the comments section below! 

When you are feeling up to it, let’s ____________________ .


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